A few words about my faith...
Hello! Thanks for visiting my website and taking the time to read my story. Since my faith and worship is a big part of my life, here is a brief overview of my story and what I do.
I was born in Hong Kong to a Christian family. Ever since I could remember, I've been going to church. I've known the popular Bible stories inside-out, and I believed there is a God who loves me - but I thought that was it. I treated the Bible as real as the stories of Peter Pan and the Wizard of Oz. Keep in mind that I believed Peter Pan is real. And even though I believed in Jesus, I had my faith completely separated from my daily life. It was a story that I believed in, but nothing more.
The change happened when I was 10, when I was told that Jesus was a real person who walked the earth. That was when I decided to follow Him whole-heartedly and commit to know God more. One experience in particular that changed my perception was having severe eczema. The skin condition got healed and came back a few times over a few years, and it got more severe every time. I had tried countless medications and creams for my skin, but none of them really cured the condition. It was so bad that I could not get healthy sleep for some time, and people were almost scared to see my condition. But it was my faith in Jesus that grounded my identity and confidence. With that, I persevered through the skin condition, and I truly believe that God has ultimately healed my skin. My eczema has never returned since I was 13.
Moving to Canada was a huge challenge for me, and I have once again experienced how God has guided me through adapting to a new lifestyle. However, the most significant experience so far is finding a purpose to live for. As I was exploring what to pursue in post-secondary education, I was keen on studying the sciences and finding a stable job in the future. However, through support from people around me and prayer, God gave me the courage to audition for a music program. Throughout my journey of studying music and getting accepted into a music conservatory, every achievement has been more than I could ever imagine. Therefore, I'm currently refining my art, so that I'm ready for anything that God calls for. I hope that my music may not only be a piece of decoration, but ultimately my witness for God.